Friday, March 9, 2012

freud meets buddha...

"why couldn't buddha vacuum under the couch??
...because he didn't have attachments!"

today i had the pleasure of attending day #1 of the "freud meets buddha" conference...i knew it was going to be a good when i was 15 minutes EARLY (i know that my loved ones are shocked) and live music and comedy kicked off the workshops of the day.

my favorite speaker of the day was therapist & author john lee - he presented with humor and creativity - two elements that are important in my own social work practice.  he quoted freud who once said, "everywhere i go i find a poet has been there before me..." - illustrating the connection between melancholia, depression, despair and the introspective creativity of poetry. he shared both personal and clinical experiences with depression and despair, as well as creative examples.  here is one poem that he shared with us and i want to share with you...

"i am not i"
juan ramon jimenez

i am not i
i am this one
walking beside me whom i do not see,
whom at times i manage to visit, 
and whom other times i forget; 
who remains calm and silent while i talk, 
and forgives gently, when i hate,
who walks where i am not,
who will remain standing when i die.

john encouraged participants to "think outside of the box" - he said poetry is one way into despair and poetry is one way out of despair.  he promoted thinking creatively, borrowing from those you love and admire, but most importantly to be yourself.  

today was a cultivation of loving kindness, humor, and authenticity.  
ready for day #2...
peace & bliss, 

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