Tuesday, July 26, 2011

can you see me?

if you look closely, you can see me...

life has been so busy...it seems like the last year has literally flown by at record speed.  thank goodness i have pics to document the visual "footprints" down life's path.  

an old adage says that children learn much more by what you model - what you do and how you do it - rather than what you say.  my hope is that my "busyness" translates into a work ethic that teaches my kids to persevere, to make some sacrifices for the greater good, to hold on because one day all the studying and hard work will pay off...not just financially, but inside.  it feels so good to work hard for what you love and what you care about as opposed to having the "good life" fall into your lap (or at least that is what i tell myself to cope with those really crappy days - especially since i know no other way ;) ).  when you are invested with your heart & soul - your blood, sweat, & tears - it shows, and gosh darnit, people respect that.  

i see you in me and i hope that you see me in you.  all my love <3...
peace & bliss,

1 comment:

  1. amazing, and true..and gosh darnit i DO respect that! lol
